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What is Sensitive Skin

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Understanding sensitivity

Your skin may be sensitized due to a genetic predisposition or a compromised skin barrier due to environmental or lifestyle factors. When the skin barrier is compromised, the result can be visible redness, dehydration, irritation, dryness and discomfort – otherwise known as sensitive skin. Sensitive skin can lead to certain skin conditions, including eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, visible redness and dryness.

Compromised barrier

The skin barrier or “epidermis” is the outermost layer of cells on the skin. It protects skin from moisture loss and external factors like environmental pollutants and harmful bacteria. When skin is exposed to triggers that compromise the barrier it can result in redness, dryness, irritation and discomfort.

“Everything stings me. I am nervous to use certain products.”

This might be due to poor barrier function. The sting results from rapid penetration of whatever is applied to the skin. The nerves and immune system respond, which is experienced as sensitivity.

“My skin feels tight and uncomfortable.”

Dehydration is a primary symptom associated with an impaired barrier. With gaps in the lipid barrier, water can easily evaporate from the skin. This can cause skin to feel tight, flushed, or uncomfortable.

Neurogenic inflammation

When triggered by chemicals and pollutants in the environment, the nervous system can activate irritant receptors in the skin. This releases neuropeptides that can cause skin conditions such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, hypersensitivity, visible redness, rosacea and wound healing.

“My skin flares up when I am stressed.”

The chemicals released during stressful periods of time can increase skin sensitivity and visible redness. Many people find that their eczema, rosacea or acne may get worse when they are under prolonged stress. While managing your skin symptoms is important, it is also vital to consider how stress levels can be lowered.

“My skin is very sensitive to touch.”

Certain individuals are more genetically susceptible to mechanical stimulation or pressure than others.

Immunogenic inflammation

When white blood cells are triggered by foreign substances such as pollen or artificial fragrances, they travel towards inflamed tissue to attack and destroy bacteria, viruses and cellular debris.

This can lead to an impaired barrier, redness, or swelling.

“Is this fragrance free? Does it contain limonene or linalool?”

Artificial fragrance is considered the number skin allergen. For allergy purposes, some individual natural fragrance components must be listed independently on packaging.

“I am prone to eczema.”

If you have a genetic predisposition to atopic dermatitis, you will find your skin tends to have a faulty lipid barrier. This means you are more susceptible to allergens penetrating the skin, which can cause irritation.

“I react to products; my skin gets red, itchy and hot.”

Have you investigated common allergens with you physician? This might be a starting point if you are struggling with skin sensitivity. By ruling out potential ingredients known to irritate skin, you will be able to screen your products and select ones that will work for your skin.


Pro calm skin treatment

soothe + strengthen sensitive skin



A common trait of sensitive skin is a compromised skin barrier. A healthy barrier helps keep water

in and environmental pollutants and microbes out. Transepidermal Water Loss (TEWL) occurs

when the skin’s protective barrier is compromised, allowing excess moisture to evaporate from

the skin. When your skin barrier is compromised, the result can be visible redness, dehydration,

irritation, dryness and discomfort – otherwise known as sensitive skin.

Pro Calm targets a range of sensitive skin conditions. Soothing botanical actives soothe skin

while lymphatic drainage and pressure point massage help to calm a stressed nervous system.

Light therapy helps to further reduce redness while targeted treatments help hydrate, balance

and restore the skin barrier for reduced redness and calmer skin.


• Reduces redness for visibly calmer skin

• Leaves skin feeling softer

• Balances skin texture and hydrates